Gimkit Host: Live and Join Your Own Game

Gimkit Host: Learn how to successfully host a Gimkit game in 2024 with this complete guide. From step-by-step instructions to best practices and pro tips, master orchestrating a thrilling Gimkit experience!

Gimkit Host

How To Host A Gimkit 2024?

The “Gimkit Host” describes the person who starts and oversees a Gimkit game. Gimkit is an interactive educational gaming platform available on the web that aims to make learning fun and interesting.

The following summarizes the duties of a Gimkit Host:

  • Develops or chooses question sets (referred to as “Kits”) that address particular learning objectives.
  • Selects a game mode based on student involvement and the learning aim.
  • Initiates the game and serves as the coordinator, making sure everything goes without a hitch.
  • Keeps track of students’ performance and, using the game’s outcomes, may learn about their strengths and shortcomings.
  • Gimkit provides a limited-time free tier, however, a premium membership may be necessary to host more sophisticated games or have additional features.

Before hosting a game as the orchestrator, sign up for a free instructor account to lay the groundwork for creating and managing quizzes.

On, pick Get Started, then the Teacher persona option. This grants access to extra controls that were previously unavailable to students. Provide information such as your complete name, email address, password, and the topic taught.

After completing the email verification process, you will have access to Teacher View, which is the command center for creating quizzes and administering games.

Benefits of Teacher Account

Strong functionality is made possible by the upgraded Teacher Account, including:

  • Create custom quizzes covering any academic subject or upload questions using a spreadsheet.
  • Comprehensive Analytics: Monitoring student success allows you to tailor the priorities of your next learning.
  • Game Orchestration: As an administrator, lead fights in real-time with customized control settings.
  • Share Links: Create links that make it simple to include tests in LMS portals.
  • Advanced Class Management: Section labeling, roster synchronization
  • After taking care of the setup procedures, let’s host a real live game!

Step 1: Build The Quiz

Click Create Quiz after gaining account access to create exam questions that will drive the game. Among the choices for filling out quizzes are:

  • Manual entry: Input data straight into the web terminal.
  • Upload using Excel, create on a desktop, and then import questions and answers in bulk.
  • Utilize pre-existing questions and remix them
  • A question bank should be the right size for the length of the game. Finding at least fifty questions is adequate to account for the quick pace of a thirty-minute conflict.
  • For further segmentation, you can tag questions with categories like British Literature Basics or Algebra Fundamentals.

Step 2: Set Game Parameters

After the questions are ready, click Launch Game to bring up the Game Options screen where you may adjust important parameters that determine the rules and gaming style. Personalizations include:

  • You may toggle for head-to-head competition in solo or multiplayer mode. Practice mode is equivalent to solo.
  • Control open visibility versus invite-only games with Public/Private Access.
  • Players can choose to limit their use of powerups to bouts involving just accuracy.
  • Question Banks: Combinations of questions from various categories or topics.
  • Game length is determined by the format and amount of questions. 15 to 30 minutes on average.
  • Participant Scope: For regulated participation, open worldwide or limited to classes that are synchronized with the roster.
  • Verify your selections. Give each question 10–20 seconds while moving quickly. Adjust further to get the right degree of difficulty.

Step 3: Generate Shareable Links

Once the combat settings have been adjusted, click Launch Game once again to receive access to the game URLs for sharing. This creates even for private games a public sharing link. To quickly copy the URL, use the shortcut for the clipboard icon.

To gain access to: for further communication click Share Game.

  • Email Invitations: Easily incorporate parent game URLs into class rosters.
  • Embed HTML: Use this code snippet to quickly add Gimkit to an LMS window or webpage.
  • QR Code: A scannable barcode that grants access to a mobile device
  • Social Posts: Ready-made material for posts on Facebook groups and Twitter
  • Using these enhanced channels allows games to reach a wider audience than just text links.

Step 4: Host The Live Game

Now that everything is configured and participants have access links shared, let’s start the live face-off. With the ability to administer games as a teaching host, extra special exposure comprises:

  • Class Dashboard: This multiplayer view gives control room-style monitoring by displaying teammates, scores, and response times.
  • Question Queue: The order of upcoming questions aids in the preparation of more difficult ideas for on-the-spot or break explanations.
  • Buzz-In Lights: These visual cues, which resemble buzzers on TV game shows, highlight which kids are answering the phone the quickest.
  • Projector Mode: Use classroom projection equipment to directly display the game for a shared viewing experience.
  • Co-Host Capabilities: Co-teachers or teaching assistants with moderator rights can also direct games.

Use these supercharged monitoring and moderating powers as the host while you’re not participating to steer the multiplayer combat much like a sports play-by-play announcer!

Pro Tips Games

Even if it just takes a few clicks to start a game, adhering to best practices facilitates the execution of an engaging session:

  • Establish expectations by reinforcing the rules and outlining powerups, cheating discipline, and length.
  • Energy & Enthusiasm: Use vocal modulation to control the tempo and create a sense of enthusiasm.
  • Humor and Witty Banter: Quick quips that relate queries to current events make the exchanges enjoyable between
  • Powerup Strategies: Offer astute recommendations for utilizing incentives and sanctions to have the most impact.
  • Promote Teamwork: Ask students to work together in person to come up with consensus responses, which will foster friendship.
  • Rewards for Creativity: Commend innovative application of ideas beyond exam results

Using these hosting strategies not only increases student satisfaction but also fosters a supportive classroom environment.

The Future Of Live Game Hosting

With hybrid remote modes that enable classes to operate outside physical boundaries and require digital-first technology, Gimkit is leading the way in a new era of organizing engaging assessments at a scale never seen before.

Traditional education focuses on students absorbing static knowledge, while interactive models like games make interactivity otherwise difficult to achieve. Digitally native generations find resonance in the modernization of antiquated evaluation techniques into competitive social experiences.

Both students and educators gain from the benefits, as instructors may save time and effort by using auto-graded performance analytics, while students enjoy the discovery of learning again.

Gimkit’s persistent viral appeal is confirmed by early momentum, as the platform reimagines studying as enjoyable instead of tedious. Teachers are the conductors hosting this revolution, with live orchestration skills at its heart!


It’s now simpler than ever for instructors to host Gimkit battles and turn boring lectures into entertaining activities. Personal quizzes that may be quickly made, shared, and auto-played with preprogrammed rules reduce laborious work while optimizing results.

Educators have real-time control over speed and power-ups through integrated moderation and monitoring tools, allowing them to function as active directors throughout every play. Compared to solo play, special multiplayer views increase the excitement for both players and gallery viewers.

Quiz games like Gimkit offer to expedite the change from unidirectional lecturing to multidimensional involvement in the classroom, and their adoption may be accelerated by teacher hosts who are prepared to take the lead.

So assemble your most audacious inquiries, create concept-spanning activities, and slam the ceremonial hostess’ hammer to formally declare that fun-first studying is back in session!


How Do I Start Hosting A Gimkit Game?

To enable hosting games, first create a custom quiz, establish game settings, and provide students with the join link. This may be done by creating a teacher account on

How Many Players Can Join A Single Hosted Game?

Gimkit allows for up to 100 people to participate simultaneously in a single live multiplayer combat, making it possible for big groups or even district-wide battles.

Can I Use Gimkit For Remote Learning?

Yes, Gimkit is a flexible tool that works well for both online and face-to-face instruction. Instructors can design and offer tests that students can take on their own, or they can use the internet to play real-time games with their peers.